Monday, November 24, 2008

A Greeting That's a Gift

Sheridan has been driving now for over 6 months.  It hasn't gotten easier yet. On us I mean. I hear you get used to it.  

Tonight, when I came home from small group, the weather was perfect and the sky looked beautiful.  I was drawn to stay out in my front yard and talk to God for a while.

Having no place to sit, I just sat down in the middle of the driveway.  I knew Sheridan would be driving up soon and wondered if I would still be sitting there when she arrived.

Sure enough, about 15 minutes later, she came driving up in Josh's loud truck, safe and sound (she was a little bewildered to see me sitting in a dark driveway).  It was great to greet her with a hug and to walk into the house together, hearing about her evening.  She has no idea how much I loved it.  She won't until she has a teenager of her own.

But that's okay.  It was a gift from God.  He had me stay out there.  I love how unusual He is.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Smiths! I just wanted to pop in and let you know I am now following your blog! Good thing Josh left his blogger info signed! I could have wrecked havoc on your blog man! Next time be more careful... :-)
