Monday, November 24, 2008

A Greeting That's a Gift

Sheridan has been driving now for over 6 months.  It hasn't gotten easier yet. On us I mean. I hear you get used to it.  

Tonight, when I came home from small group, the weather was perfect and the sky looked beautiful.  I was drawn to stay out in my front yard and talk to God for a while.

Having no place to sit, I just sat down in the middle of the driveway.  I knew Sheridan would be driving up soon and wondered if I would still be sitting there when she arrived.

Sure enough, about 15 minutes later, she came driving up in Josh's loud truck, safe and sound (she was a little bewildered to see me sitting in a dark driveway).  It was great to greet her with a hug and to walk into the house together, hearing about her evening.  She has no idea how much I loved it.  She won't until she has a teenager of her own.

But that's okay.  It was a gift from God.  He had me stay out there.  I love how unusual He is.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

God speaks

So I've been praying and listening...and researching.  God's answer to what does he want me to do right now about the number of people groups around the globe that haven't been reached with the gospel message...Care.  Care enough to be heart broken like He is.  

Researching some web sites I found some amazing statistics.  For instance, in North America there are approximately 591 people groups and 3 have not been reached.  Contrast that with Europe's 784 people groups with 717 not reached.  And of course no surprise, South Asia has 1444 groups with 1133 not reached.  

I am.  Broken hearted that is.  All the words I hear from the pulpit and from others speaking His word generate a vision of the people who have grown up their whole lives never seeing the beauty of Christ in even one other person.  It brings tears to my eyes.

I'm thankful that Josh and I listened when God prompted us to give regularly to missions.  But now, my heart is differently burdened.  These numbers, while not completely out of left field, have stirred an ignition in me.  I live in a place on this earth with A LOT of people who have Christ living inside them.  What am amazing blessing!  I truly want that for every people group on this earth.  Much more importantly, I know God wants that too.  

My prayers continue.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Is He Coming Soon?

Angie here. 

Just finished an amazing book, Peace Child by Don Richardson.  It was first published in the early 70's and has been in reprint ever since.  It is the true story of a people group in Papua New Guinea, the Sawi, who valued treachery and murder far back in their ancestral line, and the missionaries that were attempting to love them and reach them with the gospel. 

The Sawi are a people who admire, and place in high honor, those who have "fattened with friendship" before the murder the unsuspecting "friend."  For instance, Don couldn't imagine that when he told the story of Judas betraying Jesus, Judas was seen as the hero!  All seemed lost when the missionaries witnessed something unbelievable.  Two tribes desiring peace from constant violence break outs each gave a "peace child" to the other as a sign of genuine peace between tribes.  Don used that practice as an "in" to show them that a perfect "Peace Child" had been given for them already, and that is Jesus. It is an incredible look at how God prepares ALL to hear his message of salvation.  The Earth, and everything in it belong to Him.

I hate that there are people groups who have still not heard the message. I read about the 10/40 window that is so difficult to get to with His word.  I have a fire in my heart to do something about that.  

What more can I do?  That is my prayer.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I'm up and running

Hello everyone, in my attempt to keep up with technology and trends, and to quiet some of you down, I have given in, and I too now have a blogspot. I will try hard to keep y'all updated with current events and life through the eyes of the Smith family.

Things are starting to get interesting with Sheridan turning 17 on the 8th, and Luke at 17 months now. What were faint words from my mother years ago, now have become sobering reality - "Just wait until you have children of your own."

I can't miss the irony that right now I'm wearing a "King of the Cage" shirt depicting a man with larger than life muscles, I teach a defensive tactics class everyday, I'm not afraid of contacting any criminal, yet parenting a 95 lb teenage girl scares me to death.  God protect me.